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Welcome to the #1 most comprehensive divorce recovery program in the world. For 40 years.

  • Is Divorce in your future?

  • In the Divorce Process?

  • Divorced?


A program that has been reliably operating

for over 40 years.

Featured on major news outlets like

The New York Times & NPR

Helping thousands of people with proven tools. Guaranteed.

Don't know where to start?

Your Journey Begins Here


Get an "Emotional Weather Report

Learn how you are doing in 6 key areas, plus get free, personalized training on how YOU can recover best!


Schedule a FREE 30-Minute Consult

Talk with an expert Divorce Coach about your situation, your results, and the best path forward for YOU.


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Learn more about the Rebuilders programs available to you that will fit your schedule and budget

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Our Courses and Services



The Most Effective, Efficient and PROVEN System In The World, For Over 40 Years.

Group classes have proven to be the BEST method for recovery when dealing with divorce. Being able to connect with others in a similar situation is SO powerful and important!

Online Workshops


Monday Nov 11th at 8pm ET (5pm PT)

Online programs are 2 hours and highly focused on your recovery using highly skilled coaching and content in a supportive community. Online classes start every 2-3 weeks.

In-Person Seminars

Seminars are typically offered 4 times per year in more than 20 locations around the world.

Local groups are also focused on recovery but they typically focus more on community and making connections locally. Join now to get the support you need!


Weekly Support Group


8-9:30pm Eastern (5-6:30 PT)

The support group is designed to end the isolation and be in a supportive environment where you learn and grow from the comfort of your own home.


Your Situation Is Unique.

You Are Unique.

Group classes are tremendously helpful but we know that people also have some very difficult situations that they are dealing with. When working with a coach One-on-One you can dramatically accelerate the process and get guidance on YOUR situation in a focused, personalized process.

A lot of people try therapy as the deal with divorce. Many find that therapy does not give them the results that they are looking for. Coaching does.


Do you have a busy schedule or tight budget?

We offer a variety of self paced programs in which you are guided step-by-step. You can focus on a particular area of recovery or get our proven 10 step recovery program. These courses will fit into any schedule and some you can get started for free. All come with a money back guarantee. You also have the option of adding private coaching as well.

4O Years Of Changing People's Lives.


The founder of the Rebuilders program was Dr. Bruce Fisher (1931-1998). He was born in Iowa but spent most of his adult life in Boulder, Colorado. He was a popular divorce therapist, author, teacher and a Clinical Member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. As he worked with clients dealing with divorce he realized that traditional therapy didn’t work efficiently.

He began working with his clients in groups and eventually found that there are 19 “steps” that people must work through to effectively “Rebuild” their lives. From this work he wrote the book “Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends.” We still use this book as a reference in our classes. Since he wrote the book over 30 years ago we have learned a lot and the program has evolved considerably. Now we find that there are more “steps” and that there are some elements that Dr. Fisher wasn’t aware of or misunderstood. However, he still created a powerful foundation for the program that we run today.

This program continues to improve and it works.

We guarantee it.

Don't be alone!

Join us on social media and start your journey to rebuilding

How Our Program Works



Your thinking, mindset, beliefs, and values all influence how you respond to the traumatic experience of divorce. We show you how to step outside of the rumination about the past. Learn to step outside of the normal traps that keep people stuck thinking about the past.



Many people suppress, depress, or repress their feelings. Divorce brings so many "difficult" feelings. We give you tools to work through them, use them, and feel the "good" feelings again - like HAPPINESS, JOY, AND LOVE.



In marriages people "lose" themselves. When the marriage ends they don't know who they are as a single person. We help you connect with yourself so that you can be comfortable being alone in your own skin.

Free Divorce Resources

Rebuilders is committed to helping EVERYONE, regardless of their financial situation.

The Program Works Regardless of Your Situation!

Is Divorce in your future?

Learn what you can do find the best path forward

It is a very difficult time in your life when you are facing the possibility of divorce. We offer a wide variety of tools, information and personal coaching to help you.

Monthly Divorce Filings in Washington 20

Inside the Numbers: Statistical Insights on Divorce Timing

December 12, 20232 min read

University of Washington Associate sociology professor Julie Brines and doctoral candidate Brian Serafini analyzed the numbers of people that filed for divorce in Washington state from 2001 to 2015. What they found is that March had the highest number of filings and December the lowest.

This makes sense because most people don't want to file during the holiday season. Then after the holidays have passed and they realize that they don't want to spend another holiday like the most recent then start filing.

In the most commonly cited article it shows a chart that looks like the top of Batman's head, two very large peaks in March and August are the top of his ears.

Divorce Filings by Month in Washington State

News articles and statistics often reference this article because it is the only study that has been conducted that actually puts some numbers on the rate of divorce on a monthly basis.

Unfortunately this chart is terrible.

It makes it look like there is a massive change in March and a huge drop off after August. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

I love statistics and math and I want to be honest in what we do. So I did some digging.

In another article Julie Brines mentions some actual numbers: March had 570 divorce filings, August had 558, and December had 430.

This is what I needed to analyze the numbers. I recreated the chart and mapped a new chart on top of the chart above in order to get as close to the "ln" numbers shown. Then I was able to turn the "ln" numbers into actual numbers using the 3 numbers above as a reference.

From this I was able to translate the numbers and put them into 2 years of data to see how they actually compare month to month.

ACTUAL divorce filings from month to month

A Better View of How Many people file each month

This graph shows that, indeed there is a fairly large drop off in filings from November to December (19%) and then the number of people filing rebounds just above previous levels. The rate continues to rise slightly until March and then it tapers back to the average levels. And yes, there is a small bump in August again until the numbers start to drop off, SLIGHTLY until December hits again.

How does this affect you?

If you are considering divorce and need help you will find that lawyers know that January through March is when they will have more people looking for help. Rates may go up, availability goes down.

The courts will have more people filing which could mean more delays.

Nevertheless, the differences aren't as massive as you might think. So, if you are ready to file OR if you are not wanting a divorce now you have better perspective on what others are doing.

Learn more about how to manage the difficult emotions at Rebuilders.net

blog author image

Kevin Van Liere

Divorce Coach, CEO of Rebuilders International

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In the Divorce Process?

Divorce Resources – Support for All Stages of Divorce

When you are dealing with divorce there is a lot going on. There are legal issues, financial issues, emotional issues, parenting issues and more. When faced with all of these pressures we see that people that pay attention to the emotional effect of divorce are better able to navigate everything else much better.

Monthly Divorce Filings in Washington 20

Inside the Numbers: Statistical Insights on Divorce Timing

December 12, 20232 min read

University of Washington Associate sociology professor Julie Brines and doctoral candidate Brian Serafini analyzed the numbers of people that filed for divorce in Washington state from 2001 to 2015. What they found is that March had the highest number of filings and December the lowest.

This makes sense because most people don't want to file during the holiday season. Then after the holidays have passed and they realize that they don't want to spend another holiday like the most recent then start filing.

In the most commonly cited article it shows a chart that looks like the top of Batman's head, two very large peaks in March and August are the top of his ears.

Divorce Filings by Month in Washington State

News articles and statistics often reference this article because it is the only study that has been conducted that actually puts some numbers on the rate of divorce on a monthly basis.

Unfortunately this chart is terrible.

It makes it look like there is a massive change in March and a huge drop off after August. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

I love statistics and math and I want to be honest in what we do. So I did some digging.

In another article Julie Brines mentions some actual numbers: March had 570 divorce filings, August had 558, and December had 430.

This is what I needed to analyze the numbers. I recreated the chart and mapped a new chart on top of the chart above in order to get as close to the "ln" numbers shown. Then I was able to turn the "ln" numbers into actual numbers using the 3 numbers above as a reference.

From this I was able to translate the numbers and put them into 2 years of data to see how they actually compare month to month.

ACTUAL divorce filings from month to month

A Better View of How Many people file each month

This graph shows that, indeed there is a fairly large drop off in filings from November to December (19%) and then the number of people filing rebounds just above previous levels. The rate continues to rise slightly until March and then it tapers back to the average levels. And yes, there is a small bump in August again until the numbers start to drop off, SLIGHTLY until December hits again.

How does this affect you?

If you are considering divorce and need help you will find that lawyers know that January through March is when they will have more people looking for help. Rates may go up, availability goes down.

The courts will have more people filing which could mean more delays.

Nevertheless, the differences aren't as massive as you might think. So, if you are ready to file OR if you are not wanting a divorce now you have better perspective on what others are doing.

Learn more about how to manage the difficult emotions at Rebuilders.net

blog author image

Kevin Van Liere

Divorce Coach, CEO of Rebuilders International

Back to Blog


The Papers are signed...

Whether you are recently divorced or it has been years, the wounds from divorce are real. Time does not heal all wounds, it just scabs over them. So if you are ready to learn more about what you can do to HEAL then click below.

Monthly Divorce Filings in Washington 20

Inside the Numbers: Statistical Insights on Divorce Timing

December 12, 20232 min read

University of Washington Associate sociology professor Julie Brines and doctoral candidate Brian Serafini analyzed the numbers of people that filed for divorce in Washington state from 2001 to 2015. What they found is that March had the highest number of filings and December the lowest.

This makes sense because most people don't want to file during the holiday season. Then after the holidays have passed and they realize that they don't want to spend another holiday like the most recent then start filing.

In the most commonly cited article it shows a chart that looks like the top of Batman's head, two very large peaks in March and August are the top of his ears.

Divorce Filings by Month in Washington State

News articles and statistics often reference this article because it is the only study that has been conducted that actually puts some numbers on the rate of divorce on a monthly basis.

Unfortunately this chart is terrible.

It makes it look like there is a massive change in March and a huge drop off after August. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

I love statistics and math and I want to be honest in what we do. So I did some digging.

In another article Julie Brines mentions some actual numbers: March had 570 divorce filings, August had 558, and December had 430.

This is what I needed to analyze the numbers. I recreated the chart and mapped a new chart on top of the chart above in order to get as close to the "ln" numbers shown. Then I was able to turn the "ln" numbers into actual numbers using the 3 numbers above as a reference.

From this I was able to translate the numbers and put them into 2 years of data to see how they actually compare month to month.

ACTUAL divorce filings from month to month

A Better View of How Many people file each month

This graph shows that, indeed there is a fairly large drop off in filings from November to December (19%) and then the number of people filing rebounds just above previous levels. The rate continues to rise slightly until March and then it tapers back to the average levels. And yes, there is a small bump in August again until the numbers start to drop off, SLIGHTLY until December hits again.

How does this affect you?

If you are considering divorce and need help you will find that lawyers know that January through March is when they will have more people looking for help. Rates may go up, availability goes down.

The courts will have more people filing which could mean more delays.

Nevertheless, the differences aren't as massive as you might think. So, if you are ready to file OR if you are not wanting a divorce now you have better perspective on what others are doing.

Learn more about how to manage the difficult emotions at Rebuilders.net

blog author image

Kevin Van Liere

Divorce Coach, CEO of Rebuilders International

Back to Blog

Join our Private Online Group

From Survive to Thrive

Get Guidance On How To Best Recover During This Very Challenging Time In Your Life

I'll provide you with a PERSONALIZED path for your unique journey so that you can quickly rebuild and make better decisions in the midst of what can be the most confusing and emotional time of your life.

Kevin Van Liere

Expert Divorce Coach

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost?

"It" depends on what program or services you need. Each local program sets their own rates based on the costs of operating the program locally. The 10-week programs investment is generally at least $300 up to $1200.

The eCourses we offer are all less than $250 and some are free.

The support group is free to join.

The self test is completely free as well as the 30-minute Clarity Call with a Divorce Coach.

Where is the closest program to me?

You will need to enter your zip code to get the closest location to you. We are constantly adding locations and this is free and the fastest way for us to locate a program near you.

Go to this page and we will look up the program closest to you: https://rebuilders.net/locations

When is the next class?

Online classes start every 2 to 3 weeks. In person (local) classes generally start every 3 months (4 times per year). If you find a location close to you we will send you to a webpage that will have the class schedule listed. To do this, click here to find a local program: https://rebuilders.net/locations

The next online class starts: Monday Nov 11th at 8pm ET (5pm PT)

Copyright © 2024 Rebuilders International, LLC, All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2024 Rebuilders International, LLC, All rights reserved.